wordless wednesday: wanderlust

Bucket List, Lifestyle, Travel, Wordless Wednesday

Hello my lovely friends!

It’s week two of Wordless Wednesday, and this week, we’re looking at places we want to go/places we’ve been to. Anyone can participate, and the main focus is to share aspects of our lives that may not be completely related to books. Each week, I will post a topic for a Wordless Wednesday that you may answer in whatever fashion you may like. All you need to do is link back to kimmiegg in your post so that I can also read your content! (Feel free to use the banner as well.)

The topic for this week is: Wanderlust – Whats on your travel bucket lists? Or tell of your last travel adventure.

To view a list of topics for the rest of the month, click here

Traveling has always been something I’ve always wanted to do more of. I greatly dislike the huge tours people go on, in which they visit many places in a short period of time. Instead, I enjoy staying in one place and being totally immersed in a new culture so that I can really learn as much as possible about a certain place and get a feel for the atmosphere for wherever I’m staying.

Feel free to go anywhere you’d like with this prompt, and I can’t wait to visit your blogs and see what creative things you come up with 🙂


Romantic Sunset in Santorini

I know I should be more specific, but I honestly just want to explore this whole country. We all know of Greece due to their economic crises, but I’ve been in love with this country due to their history, geography and LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS IS! From the architecture to all the various islands, I’d be fine with spending the rest of my life exploring this country. I’d love to study the language if I ever get the chance to have an extended stay in this amazing country. Also, I loveeee Greek food. We have a small restaurant in the town I live in, but I can imagine that it doesn’t do justice to the authentic thing.

Cancun Strand Luftbild

Luftbildaufnahmen von Cancun.

For some of you, this picture may be jarring with the juxtaposition of natural beauty and the modernity of humans. Although I’d much rather stay in a more humble abode that isn’t dominated by ulterior motives, I thought this picture was sure thought worthy. My dad has been to many business trips in this area, and my friends have often visited. They always come back with great stories! I love beaches, and I’ve heard that as soon as you go in, you pay a flat fee and then are able to eat whatever you’d like. Thus, the food quality is always great. The only downside, is that locals are unable to share this goodness..

Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia

I know many of the book bloggers that I have met are from Australia, and thus I began some research about the area. I love it. This city is surrounded by the world’s largest natural harbor and I want to go to both the opera and the bridge there. The architecture is just stunning, and if this picture is not screaming at you to come visit, I don’t know what will ever convince you to travel.

Puerto Rico

El Yunque National Forest

Lastly, a place to appreciate mother nature and the beauty of natural, untouched land, I present to you El Yunque National Forest. I love national parks, and love visiting, but each time I leave, I feel as if I was unable to fully grasp and appreciate the beauty of it all. Exploring and adventuring is always fun, but I believe more time needs to be spent discovering all the amazing secrets to that place.

Did you enjoy this post? Please consider taking part next week, as I’d love to learn about your art interests. Feel free to use the topics in any way/order you’d like, and I can’t wait to learn more about your non-bookish sides:)

28 thoughts on “wordless wednesday: wanderlust

    1. Thank you so much! If I had a choice, I’d be on a plane to these locations right now!
      I loved reading your post, and look forward to your future posts as well 🙂 Thanks for participating!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Greece! stunning photo you’ve chosen, my world traveler of a friend was just telling me that Greece is really affordable to visit because of the economic crisis. I would love to visit one day, top of my bucket list. Although I’ve been to Puerto-Rico (the island my dad was born in), I haven’t been to El Yunque, must correct this ASAP! Great post/meme! 😉

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    1. Ahhh! here you are 🙂 So glad to see your comment.

      That has just convinced me to drop everything and visit… Wait.. Responsibilities are telling me I have to stay. haha, I really want to go!
      That’s so awesome! I had no idea, I’ve heard great things about it though, and dearly want to visit!

      Thank you 🙂

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      1. I know who I’m going to for all the travel tips I’ll need for staying there. I’d never even heard of Airbnb, but after looking it up, that’s definitely something I’ll be looking into. Thanks for this new snippet of knowledge 🙂

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  2. I love this post. My Wandelust has been going wild this past year or so, so I have a huge bucket list of places I want to visit. Like you, I want to go to Greece. The history and the culture just fascinates me. Sydney is another one I’d like to visit. I’m happy to report that next month will be the first step in completing my bucket list and I’m taking a trip to New Zealand!!!

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    1. OMG!! That is so incredibly exciting, and although I am happy for you, I’m very VERY jealous as well. I’m sure you’ll have a great time, and hope you’ll also be posting pictures of your time there 🙂

      I can’t wait to cross Greece off my bucket list. I’ve been raving about it for forever. Thanks for reading!

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  3. Wow I love your picks for this week. Greece is at the top of my bucket list of countries I want to go to, honestly I’m not sure why i haven’t gone yet because I’ve been wanting to for ages now.
    I went to Cancun last year with my friend and it is such an amazing place, even today it is still counted as one of my all-time favourite holidays, I’d love to go back one day.
    The pictures you picked are gorgeous as well! God it’s making me want to jump on a plane and travel somewhere right this second! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Looking through pictures was so difficult because I too wanted to drop everything and jump on a plane!

      I’ve wanted to go to Greece for soooo long now, ever since I was young in fact! Every time I see any sort of picture or read anything about it, I can’t handle the fact that I’m not there!

      Cancun must have been loads of fun, especially with a friend 🙂 What was your favorite part in going?

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      1. That’s how I felt when I was drafting my post for this week’s topic. I love travelling and there are so many places I want to go so looking at pictures of everywhere while I was stuck at home was some kind of torture.
        I wonder why neither of us have gone then. I’ve been to loads of other places but not Greece and it’s been at the top of my I-want-to-travel-here list for a while now.
        Honestly there was so much to do, we spent loads of time on the beach in the sun which was so peaceful but there was a lot around the city to do as well which was a lot of fun; we flew down a zip wire, went snorkelling and cave exploring. It was an unforgettable trip! 🙂


  4. This is a great post, and I really love this meme! I’ve been seeing it around some of the blogs I followed, and thought I had to come here as well to congratulate you for this awesome idea 🙂 And those pictures… oh it makes me want to travel, BADLY haha. I especially would LOVE to go to Australia someday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’ve enjoyed doing it, and I hope other do too 🙂 If you ever end up participating, let me know! I’d love to check your post out.

      Right? I was having serious problems while looking through pictures of not dropping everything and leaving. Australia would be quite lovely, and I really want to go some day as well. Hopefully one day our wishes will come true!

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